KERR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is a volunteer group that will work to assist and support the Kerr County Sheriff's Office. This group consists of graduates from the 20-hour basic CERT training class. This group also attends regular training to remain refreshed on the knowledge acquired during the basic training and to expand skill sets.
KERR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CERT members may be activated to support emergency or disaster operations as directed by the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office. CERT volunteers will be allowed to assist the Kerr County Sheriff's Office as a force multiplier of manpower during training exercises, community outreach, emergencies, man-made or natural disasters, search and rescue operations, lost child searches, debris clearance, scene security, Emergency Responder logistical support, emergency communications and administrative support as needed by the Sheriff's office.
KERR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE CERT has engaged in the following training and exercises:
Light Search and Rescue training
Shelter fundamentals training with exercises
Shelter operations in conjunction with the Red Cross
Disaster Mental Health training
Disaster Assessment training with exercises
Disaster Assessment operations after the 2019 high wind event
Full Scale Disaster Response Exercises with PRMC, Kerr County and the City of Kerrville
Radio Communications Exercises
Smoke Detector Installations in conjunction with the Kerrville Fire Department and VFD’s.
Disaster Medical Operations training
Disaster Preparedness
Lost Person Search Exercise in Government Canyon
Lost Person Search Exercise in Kerrville State Park
Crime Scene Evidence grid search at the direction of the Kerr County Sheriff’s Office
CERT Basic Training can give you a survival edge in the event of a disaster in your area. The training is free and you are not obligated to join the Team.
If you do not live in Kerr County but want to be involved in CERT, contact your Sheriff’s Office or Police Department to see if there is an existing CERT team in your county, or a willingness to start one. Kerr County CERT will help you.
For more information, contact William Thomas - Kerr County Emergency Management Coordinator
(830) 315-2430, wthomas@co.kerr.tx.us, or visit http://www.co.kerr.tx.us/sheriff/cert/