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First Annual Kerr County

Emergency Preparedness Expo

Saturday Sept. 30, 2023
@ 9am - 4pm

Free Event

Bring your friends and family.
Happy State Bank Expo Hall
3785 E Hwy 27  Kerrville, Texas 

Learn About  

Fish Bowl

Water purification

Water is vital.  Have enough and know how to purify it during an emergency.

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Food Storage

Prepare for the "just in case" situations by having enough non perishable food.

Solar Panels

Solar power

Have a back up plan to power the appliances and lights that you will need in case of a power outage.


Emergency Communications


Financial Preparedness

Rain Cloud

Rainwater Catchment

Be able to communicate with loved ones in the event that the cell towers fail.

Tips for a video conference during quara

Have access to cash if the ATM's are not working.  

Capture rain and purify it as a ready source of water.

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Local response resources

Know and be able to contact local emergency resources.

Much more ...

With over 40 vendors 

there's something for everyone.

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Action that reduces or eliminates risk to people and property from natural and man-made hazards and their effects.  This also encompasses preparing resources to enable a fast recovery from the effects of hazards.


Individuals and families should be prepared to take care of themselves for at least 2 weeks in case of an emergency. 


Bringing the affected people and area back to some degree of normalcy, including the restoration of basic services and the repair of physical, social and economic damages. 

For more info contact

William "Dub" Thomas
Emergency Management Coordinator
Kerr County Sheriff's Office
400 Clearwater Paseo
Kerrville, Tx
Steve Lehman
Hill Country Preppers
Donations to Hill Country Preppers are accepted.
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